Do I need farm insurance? This is a question we get all the time here in the midwest. Many people who
live outside of town have farm animals, hay, and maybe even a tractor. Does your current home policy
cover these items?
Some home policies offer "incidental farm liability". You may wondering "what does that mean"?
This coverage is different from "personal liability" in that it would cover incidents involving limited
farm exposure. It can cover things like your son's friend gets stepped on by a cow or your pig
gets out an into the road and gets hit by a car. Incidental farm liability is designed to cover families
that only grow crops and livestock for their own consumption.
If you raise crops or livestock and sell them then you need a true farm policy that offers
"farm and personal liability" This would offer true farm coverage that would extend your
liaiblity to any farm related product or item you would sell for profit. A "farm & ranch" policy
can also cover things like farm machinery, hay, livestock, barns, etc. Many of these items can
be excluded on a homeowner's policy. A farm policy also has options for liability to cover farm
Our best advice is to consult with a licensed insurance agent to find out what type of policy
works best for you. Don't wait until you have a claim to find out you don't have the right
type of coverage. We write farm coverage for people who own 1 acre up to 20,000 acres.
Every person's insurance needs are different. Make sure you have the right plan.